Mercè Bernaus is emeritus professor of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She coordinated plurilingualism/culturalism projects at the European Centre for Modern Languages like ConBaT+ and Language Educator Awareness (LEA). The Council of Europe and the ECML published the materials produced by those projects. Recently, she is engaged in the ECML Training and Consultancy program for member states. She is collaborating in workshops dealing with “Supporting Multilingual Classrooms” Since 2007 she has been involved in the Pestalozzi program of the Council of Europe. She does teacher training courses for teachers in Caucasian countries sponsored by the Council of Europe.
Catherine Carré-Karlinger, Mag. phil., History and Civic Education, French and German as foreign and second language, has long-standing experience as teacher, teacher trainer and curriculum developer. Lecturer at the University of Teacher Education Upper Austria since 2007, she is an expert on multicultural and plurilingual education and since 2013 head of the Centre for Linguistic Diversity and Transcultural Studies. She gives lectures in the field of second language education, language didactics, bilingual, plurilingual and intercultural education. She is also an international project coordinator and participated in numerous LLL-European projects, especially in SIRIUS (European Policy Network on the education of children and young people with a migrant background, 2014. She was involved in different ECML projects (CLIL-LOTE-GO, EPOSTL, PIU) and was a team member in PEPELINO (2013.2105). Recently, she is engaged in the ECML Training and Consultancy program for member states as a trainer in the action “Supporting Multilingual Classrooms”.